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Connection Corner 2021

girl looking stressed holding wrapped gifts

3 ways to reduce stress this holiday season

Holidays can bring forth so many emotions and whether those emotions are happy, stressful, or sad, they often seem magnified during the holidays. Several of our Extension colleagues from across the country have shared tips on reducing stress this holiday season. Here are three of my favorite ones,...
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exploring cultures info graphic

Exploring new cultures during the holidays

The holiday season is upon us. This season is marked by twinkle lights bedecking all the houses and festive songs playing on all the radios. You can see Santas and stars, reindeer and wreaths everywhere you look. Here in the United States, these things are customary signs of the winter holidays....
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hands painting something gold

Easy DIY gifts this holiday season

The old saying it is better to give than to receive is something that has always resonated with me. I love to give gifts and I especially love giving an item that I have created by hand. Making gifts can be time consuming, and with the holidays are upon us, time is running short to create any...
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man, child, and woman sitting on couch holding head in their hands looking stressed

3 Ideas to help reduce stress for busy families

I know as I enjoy the leaves changing colors and falling to the ground, I am also reminded of the busyness of this time of year. As with any busy time, it is common for people of all ages to experience stress. With all the factors that can lead to stress, it can sometimes be hard to pinpoint the...
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line of pumpkins with words Spooky STEM activities

Try these spooky STEM activities with your little goblins

I love Halloween! The costumes, the decorations, the candy, the jokes (Why did the ghost starch his sheet? He wanted everyone scared stiff.) – it’s all great!  But this year, why not take some time out from the spooky tricks and sweet treats to include a little learning amongst all the...
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Family Connection Kits infographic

Kits available to help build family connections

Social distancing during the pandemic, though necessary, has caused social and emotional side effects that have been felt by all of us – perhaps especially by our young people. Programs from University of Illinois Extension and 4-H serving Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell Counties have worked...
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It's Fall Y'all! info graphic

It’s fall, y’all – Time to create a fall family fun list

I don’t know about things in your neck of the woods, but here in Central Illinois, the indications of autumn are everywhere! The shorter days are marked with bright blue skies and a crisp breeze, mums adorn doorsteps, and there’s pumpkin spice everything! In case these tell-tale signs don’t ring...
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disaster collage

Prepare to protect the people you love

“In case of emergency” is a phrase that we’re all familiar with. So familiar, in fact, that we sometimes just ignore it. That “emergency” seems so unlikely and far off – and we have stuff to deal with right now! But – as the past weeks and months have shown us – emergencies happen all the time. As...
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a family picking up trash in the park

Encourage volunteering in your family

Volunteering together can be a great way for families to spend time with each other.  Additionally, volunteering as a family has been shown to significantly impact the amount teens volunteers. America’s Promise found that 81% of teens who had one adult family member or role model who...
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summer infographic

10 ways to savor the last specks of summer

This week, the back-to-school shelves in every store I‘ve gone to look as though they’ve been ravaged. I’m struggling to keep up with my backyard garden harvests, and I just got notification that my favorite apple orchard will be opening for the season. And the children are “going to die of boredom...
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