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What should I look for when I rent an apartment?

What should I look for when I rent an apartment?

One of the most stressful things about college is determining which housing best suits you.  As a student, you have to pick between living in certified university housing or an apartment. If you have chosen to live in an apartment, now what do you...
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What are the benefits of taking out student loans?

What are the benefits of taking out student loans?

If you plan to go to college, you are likely going to take out some amount of student loans. For many individuals, the process of obtaining and owning these loans can be stressful and confusing, possibly a necessary evil to get a college education. However, this debt can be used for good purposes....
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Why do credit card companies offer reward programs?

Why do credit card companies offer reward programs?

As counterintuitive as it may sound, offering 5% cash back on goods users purchase actually increases a credit card company’s profit margin. The reasoning behind this lies within how credit card companies generate money. (Sometimes a bank or credit union issues the credit card). First, by offering...
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2020 Coronavirus Stimulus Package

How can I receive a stimulus check?

In the past several months, many people have endured some type of loss due to COVID-19. A situation that many, particularly college students, have found themselves to be in is unemployment. Fortunately, Congress passed the CARES Act to provide relief to those who faced financial difficulties...
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How can I better plan to apply for graduate programs?

How can I better plan to apply for graduate programs?

Choosing to continue with education beyond a Bachelor’s degree is a huge investment. Even after researching the tuition and fees of potential programs, there are other hidden costs that can be unexpected and add up quickly. Here are some hidden fees to know about especially when considering...
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How do I choose the credit card that is right for me?

How do I choose the credit card that is right for me?

Credit cards are a helpful tool that can build your credit history, allow you to make purchases that can be paid off over time, and save you from fidgeting around with cash at the register. When applying for a credit card however, it is important to keep in mind that some cards may better suit your...
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woman holding $100 bills

What should I do with my student refund?

Who doesn’t love that feeling when a big chunk of change hits your bank account? You think, “What can I buy with that?” and start fantasizing about all the goodies you’ve had your eye on. But, hold on, before you burn through that cash, let’s think for a minute about what else you can do with your...
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